Wednesday, 31 March 2010
Mac Booker
It's been a busy week at outoftheframe! I think etsy's Euro Week really helped. I was featured on the storque and on cutable.com which led to 4 sales in one week! As a result my shop is started to look empty but here's my newest addition to my shop:
Mac Booker is a creative guy. He's into design, video making and recording. He loves hardcore metal music - although you can't really tell that by looking at him. He prefers to go around barefoot as it helps him feel the creative vibes - but when it's really not practical he does wear shoes. More important to him than shoes is his mac book pro which he always has with him incase inspiration strikes.
Thursday, 25 March 2010
Easter is coming soon...
It's that time of year again - the Easter Bunny is visiting! He's here to deliver an Easter egg and all the good stuff that comes with it - new beginnings, new life and second chances :)
Easter is coming soon so get down to the plushteam shop and buy yourself - or someone else, something Eastery :)
Monday, 22 March 2010
Celebrating Etsy's Euro Week; supercute style
It's Euro Week on Etsy and so today I want to introduce you to a few of my favourite supercute European etsy sellers. So first up is KittyPinkStars and her supercute pancakes.
Next we have a supercute robot from cutedesigns who has also recently launched a new website.
and then we have Binky the sock bunny from Siansburys...
I hope you will join me in celebrating Euro Week by visiting their shops and hearting these awesome items :)
Thursday, 18 March 2010
Polly Loves Knitting
Polly loves knitting. She always has her latest project in her bag so that in a quiet moment she can get it out and do some knitting. She has to catch the bus to college every morning and she usually knits as she stands at the bus stop. Some people look at her funny, but most of the regulars are used to seeing her standing there knitting - and some of them have even commissioned her to make them winter scarves and gloves! Polly is available in my etsy shop.
Sunday, 14 March 2010
the adventures of animal...
A few days ago I brought you the adventures of Lulu who has gone to live in LA. Today I bring you the adventures of Animal who is pictured here in his new home in Hartford. He is now staying with Isabella Kiss of MyNameisnotKing. If only Animal could talk maybe we would know more about the adventures he has had - because he surely has had some. He took 6 weeks to get there from Bosnia Herzegovina! I wonder who he visited on the way... You can see more pictures and read more about him over at her blog
Friday, 12 March 2010
Schmancy Olympic Challenge Entry
Back in January Kristen at Plushyou announced the Schmancy Plush Olympic Challenge. I signed up and was given the category Opening Ceremonies.
I decided that my inspiration needed to come from the Sarajevo 1984 Winter Olympics. In 1984 Sarajevo was in Yugoslavia. Now it is the capital city of Bosnia Herzegovina - the country I live in. I googled 'olympic flame opening ceremony sarajevo 1984' and the first image that comes up is this one:
This is Sanda Dubravčić who was the final torchbearer for the 1984 Sarajevo Winter Olympics where she represented Yugoslavia in Figure Skating.
And this is my plush intepretation of that photo! I'm not sure that I'll get far in the competition but I've had fun making my entry :)
I decided that my inspiration needed to come from the Sarajevo 1984 Winter Olympics. In 1984 Sarajevo was in Yugoslavia. Now it is the capital city of Bosnia Herzegovina - the country I live in. I googled 'olympic flame opening ceremony sarajevo 1984' and the first image that comes up is this one:
This is Sanda Dubravčić who was the final torchbearer for the 1984 Sarajevo Winter Olympics where she represented Yugoslavia in Figure Skating.
And this is my plush intepretation of that photo! I'm not sure that I'll get far in the competition but I've had fun making my entry :)
Thursday, 11 March 2010
the adventures of Lulu
Lulu has moved to be with Zazu in LA. If you want to learn more about her adventures there check out the PlushTeam blog.
Tuesday, 9 March 2010
if you need a hug...
How cute is this picture! I made this amigurumi bunny for my friend while she was pregnant. She wanted a special toy for her baby - and it seems like bunny has become just that! So if you need a hug why not consider getting yourself an amigurumi from outoftheframe! - I take custom orders too :)
Friday, 5 March 2010
I've been tagged...
I was tagged by CraftyMummy2two at Gloomy Gurumi to write 7 things about myself and ask 7 other creative bloggers to do the same. I decided to add some photos too - blogs are always more interesting with photos - so if you're tagged by me please add a photo or 2 to your answers:) So here goes...
1. I always wear a cute hair slide - flowers and bows mostly!
2. I love the summer and can't wait to wear summer shoes again.
3. I live in Bosnia Herzegovina but I'm British
4. I love Jesus
5. I'm married and this month we'll have our 12th wedding anniversary. People often mistake me for being 18 or 20 years old so the fact that I have been married so long often shocks people!
6. Music is everywhere in my life.
7. I love being with people.
Now to tag 7 more creative bloggers:
Apple Noggin
Fantastic Toys
Lue and Sue
Moon's Creations
Dog & Daemona