Here is Neon Man - the result of my crocheting with 100% cotton yarn. His clothes are made from the 100% cotton yarn and then his head, hands, legs and feet are made with acrylic yarn. His hair is eyelash yarn. The cotton yarn comes up a bit thicker than the acrylic yarn so he's a little bit fatter than some of my other amigurumis, his arms are a little bit longer and his trousers have less rows in them!
Neon man is bringing back the beats of the '80s as he walks the streets in his neon clothes and carrying his Boombox with his music blaring out. Everywhere he goes people are drawn to him and he is often seen with a crowd of people following him. People just love the 80s! Are you one of those people? Neon man is available in my etsy shop.
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