Sunday, 13 June 2010

why bamboo?

Does anyone know why you can get crochet hooks made of different materials? plastic, metal, bamboo etc... Do they make any difference to how what you make turns out or is it just personal preference? I've been using metal hooks until now but when I was in UK I decided to by a couple of bamboo hooks in case I ever want to crochet on a plane! No pointy metal things are allowed in your hand luggage. I've tried using them and I haven't seen any difference in the crochet but I don't think they slip through the wool as easily as metal ones so I'll probably just keep them for plane usuage. And in case you're wondering, the other strange object in the photo is a Droplet from Jam Factory - the second vinyl toy in my collection of 2!


  1. I used metal hooks for years never even knowing there was wooden ones out there. Last year I found an article online about wooden hooks and how they are supposed to help keep your hands from hurting so much when crocheting because they don't suck the heat out of your fingers like metal hooks do. My mother-in-law gave me a set of bamboo hooks for my birthday and I love them! My hands don't hurt as much anymore and they also don't split the ply in the yarn like the metal hooks always seem to do.

  2. wow that's interesting. I'll have to try using the bamboo ones again and see if it makes any difference - although my hands only hurt if I've been crocheting all day.

  3. Thanks for visiting my blog! I'd love to try my hand at Amigurumi :)

  4. I love using bamboo knitting needles, but never got the feel for them in crochet. Especially when it comes to my amigurumi. I keep my stitches so tight that I'm always afraid of breaking the bamboo hooks. Mostly I just save the for "light" crochet projects :-)
