Tuesday, 28 December 2010

Cute cushions :)

I haven't blogged for a whole week! We've been really busy preparing a children's show which happened last night. Samaritan's Purse is a charity which runs a something called Operation Christmas Child which organises the distribution of shoeboxes filled with gifts, which have been donated by people around the world, to children in countries in need. We recieved a delivery of around 1000 shoeboxes a couple of weeks ago and have distributed some in schools around the area but the majority of them were given out last night at the end of the show. Some of my amigurumi dolls featured as part of the show in 3 short videos so hopefully they will be up on the blog sometime soon for you to see. In the meantime our sofa cushions got some new super-cute friends this Christmas from mymimi.

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