Monday, 27 February 2012

Hello Kitty fabric in the mail

As someone who loves Hello Kitty and pretty fabric I was excited to hear that Liberty of London and Sanrio were collaborating. Unfortunately by the time we visited the UK and went to Liberty's they had sold out of everything in the range except a huge mound of memo blocks! I managed to find a nice Hello Kitty and Liberty pen in a Waterstones bookshop in London so I left the UK happy that I had at least one thing from the Hello Kitty, Liberty collection.

When I got home I had a look to see what, if anything, from the collection was available to buy online. I found a cute plush Hello Kitty in a liberty print dress on ebay, but nowhere seemed to have the fabric. Every website had sold out. So I then searched on Etsy for Hello Kitty Liberty fabric and came across Colchique. She makes bags and children's clothes including this baby kimono made with Hello Kitty Liberty fabric. I wrote to her to ask if she had any offcuts of this fabric that she didn't need and she replied saying that she did. I bought her offcuts and they arrived today in the post making me the proud owner of the above selection of Hello Kitty fabric!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for mentioning me !

    There is a place on Etsy where it is possible to purchase more of these Hello Kitty / Liberty fabrics.

    I had a very nice contact with the owner of the shop, Lilymeru.

    These fabrics are definetly collectors, and consequently rather expensive.

